
There are many reasons why peo¬ple go to church. You already know some of them. Check the reasons you hear most often.

□               To act as though you’re better than everyone else

□               Brainwashed as a child

□               Guilt

□               To show off fancy clothes

□               Nothing else to do on Sunday morning

□               To please a family member

□               Good music

□               To hear an inspiring and motivating message

Why do you go church?

Why You Shouldn’t Go to Church

  • Because you want to look good. God looks at the heart, not your attendance record. No one is perfect. All are in need of God’s grace given freely to sinners through Word and Sacrament.
  • Because you aren’t good enough. The church is a hospital where the spiritually sick receive heal-ing from God.
  • Because others make you go. God desires to assure you of the forgiveness of sins and eternal life Jesus won for you on the cross.
  • Because you want to make God like you. He already loved you enough to send His Son to die for you. You are saved by God’s grace, not by works—not even by attending church.

Why Should You Go to Church

  • To hear the Gospel—the Good News of Jesus, through God’s Word and Sacrament.
  • To honor and worship the God who saved you.
  • To grow in faith and commitment to your God.
  • To witness to others about Jesus, who died to serve you.

Come along with the psalm writer and other people of God, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” (Psalm 122:1).

What Do You Mean by ‘Church’?

  • The church is God’s idea.
  • It is a place for people—all kinds and descriptions—real people, all sinners.
  • The church is a place where people gather together to hear God’s Word and worship Him.
  • It is a workshop for living as God’s redeemed people in this world.

A Prayer for Your Worship Life

Dear heavenly Father,

I thank and praise You for all Your goodness to me. You have created and sustained me. You have forgiven and redeemed me. You have made me Your own and given me faith. May I praise You in all that I say and do. Lead me, dear God, to Your house each week so that I may worship You there along with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Let nothing interfere with my love and commitment to You, my Lord and King. I pray in the name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.

Categories: Life Issues