Sometimes life does not go as you plan.

Sometimes things happen that are so far out of your control that you just want to panic and run, or do nothing but worry.  Consider for a moment that worry is a sin, quite literally a sin against the First Commandment.  Have you been guilty of this sin?

Worry is a sin against the First Commandment because the emotion, the attitude of worry, whether conscious or unconscious, is a result of not trusting that God can, will, and is caring for you at a particularly difficult time or during an especially stressful event.  People worry about things that might happen.  People worry about the results of an event that they know will happen.  Worry says, “I wonder if God will really take care of me?”  What a strange attitude. He takes care of the order of the entire universe and keeps it functioning day to day.  Why would God ignore one of those who believe in His Son?  Jesus says people are valuable to God.  The Father will care for us.  (Matthew 6:25-34)

Yes, even Christians worry.  Their worry may be voiced differently.  They might worry that God’s care might come in a form that is different from what they desire.  Worry wants things its way, not necessarily God’s way.  That, too, is sin.

How does a person combat worry?

Ask yourself, “What is the biggest worry I can have?”   Answer: “Where am I going when I die?”  Death is inevitable.  We all will experience it.  Christian and heathen alike are convinced of existence after this life.  “Where will I end up?” is the ultimate worry whether one admits it or not.

Jesus took care of that worry by living the perfect life for us.  He ensured that the sacrifice of His suffering and death on the cross would be sufficient to pay for all of our sin.  He has promised to those who believe in Him that they will have eternal life. (John 3:16)  For the person who believes in Jesus there is nothing to worry about when it comes to dying.

Now consider that God, in Jesus, took care of the greatest worry we have.   Individuals are given faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who have faith in Jesus are forgiven and assured eternal life. That being the case, why would anyone imagine that God would not care for the lesser things of his / her existence?  Worry is a way of saying, “I don’t trust God’s care.”  But if God has provided the ultimate care for you by sending Jesus to suffer and die for you, why would He abandon you in the mean time?  That would make no sense.  He will not desert those for whom He suffered and died.  So where’s the reason for worry?

Yet, we are going to worry.  We are all fallible, sinful human beings.  We will continue to worry in various forms and degrees.  We will sin.  But take that sin of worry, place it at the foot of the cross where Jesus suffered and died for forgive it, and leave the sin of worry right there.  Take a long hard look at the cross.   Rremember that your greatest worry was answered there, and ask God to help you trust in Him Who has provided forgiveness and eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ.  Don’t dare Him to care for you by taking unnecessary risks and living foolishly.  But in thankfulness for Jesus’ death on the cross for you, live according to His Word and will and trust that He is caring for you.  Look at the cross every time worry rears its ugly head and say, “What?  Me worry?”

Categories: Life Issues