O Lord, the world is a scary place.  Crime is all around me.  I am in constant fear for my life.  Grant me a strong faith in Jesus so that I can live and work without the fear of evil, knowing that in Jesus my eternal life is secure.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

O Lord, You are great and glorious.  I thank you for the promise of being with me through Jesus.  Help the weakness of my faith so that I can endure all things until You call me to live with you in heaven.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Dearest Jesus, You died on the cross to forgive me.  Help me to forgive others who hurt or harm me.  If You help me, I can be a beautiful example of Your love so that others will want Your love as well.  In Jesus’ name.

Lord, You know that there is great need in this world.  My need is _____________ I bring that need to you to address that need as You think it best for me.  Help me to accept what You decide so that even if my need is great, I can live content with what You give me.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Lord, I have no one.  I am alone in this world.  You have promised to be with me because I believe in Jesus.  Help me see that even in my loneliness You are with me and will comfort me. Let Your promise to love me and care for me be enough to sustain me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.