When Ill or in Pain

Heavenly Father, You know all things. You know my illness and pain. Grant me relief from this pain, and grant speedy recovery too, if it is Your will. Please give me the patience and strength I need for today. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, since You suffered the punishment for my sins, You truly know what pain is. In my pain I pray that You help me bear this. If it is Your will, deliver me from it quickly. However, I trust You to work good for me however long it might be. I know this, since I know You love me. In Your name I pray. Amen.

When Afraid

Dear God, I confess that I am afraid. Since I know that You forgive me and are guiding me through this life into heaven, I have no reason to fear. But I do, O God. I don’t know what is going to happen. I fear more suffering. I fear dying. Forgive me, Lord, for Jesus’ sake, and give me peace. Amen.

Before an Operation

Lord God, You have healed thousands of people by means of operations. Help me in this one. Please bless the surgeon and assistants, that all might be done to Your glory and my good. Forgive my fears, O Lord, because of Jesus, in whom I trust. Amen.

After an Operation

By Your mercy, heavenly Father, You have brought me safely through this operation. Thank You, dear God! Please bless me with strength during this time of recovery. Help me endure these days patiently until I can glorify and praise You with a healthy body and loud voice. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

For Others

Dear Lord, that person down the hallway is sicker than I am. I’m concerned for him. I don’t know if he has faith or not. Help him. Heal him. Comfort him with the message of forgiveness and the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Bring him family and friends to sustain him during this time of trial. Have mercy on him, Lord, I pray, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

In Thanksgiving

Thank You, Lord, for the way You have blessed me. It is wonderful that You forgive my sins for Jesus’ sake. It is wonderful that You are now giving me physical healing as well. It is wonderful that You stir my heart to thank You, O God of grace. Help me show my thanks in all that I do and say while I am still here in the hospital and when I return home. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

When Facing Death

O God of my salvation, the doctors say they’ve done all they can, and it’s just a matter of time until I can live in peace with You. Lord, strengthen my faith and give me peace. Help me see and accept Your will. Turn my eyes from earthly things to heavenly things. Soon You will come and take me home to Yourself. Help my loved ones find comfort in the sure promises of Christ, our Savior. I lay my sins on Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

Where to Look in the Bible

God’s Concern for You

Matthew 6:25-34

Luke 12:4-7 John 3:14-17 Ephesians 2:4-10

The Power of Prayer

Matthew 7:7-11

Luke 11:1-9 James 5:13-18

God’s Promises

John 14:1-6

Romans 8:28-39 2 Corinthians 4:6-18


Psalm 23 Psalm 121 Romans 5:1-11


Psalm 8 Psalm 96 Psalm 103

Categories: Life Issues