Heavenly Father, have mercy upon the children damaged by the unthinkable terrors of war. Have mercy upon me and all who receive these little ones that your all-surpassing love will help us to feed, clothe and provide them with safe shelter. We plead this blessing from you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.


Lord God, Creating Father and Mother of all the living, give your strength especially to mothers of young children so that their little ones may be protected, comforted and find peace in their mother’s arms. Let their hearts be firmly grounded by trusting faith in the Good Shepherd’s promise that nothing can ever take His children away from Him. Amen.


Dear Father, you intend boys and girls, young men and women to fill their minds with hopeful dreams for the future while delighting in expanding powers of life. Yet, O Lord, it is not so for this generation of Ukrainian youth! Evil men deliberately seek to explode the world around them. Unholy terror, fear, depression, and hopelessness assault them. How long, O Lord? How long?! Come down, we pray, with your divine rescue. Preserve this emerging generation and make it your seed for a fruitful harvest to bless Ukraine and to glorify You. We seek this grace in Jesus’ name. Amen.


O, Lord! Every day mothers and fathers, parents and children, family members and friends anxiously say goodbye to each other for the sake of safety and duty. Will they see each other again? Only you know, Lord. But while they are apart surround them with your everlasting arms. Grant them your Spirit that they may trust in you who went to the cross, died, and rose again for their salvation. Fill them with your peace and your sure hope. Hasten the day that you bring them safely back together again. Hear us, dear Jesus. Amen.


Our bodies are wearing out, Lord. Our infirmities increase. We have witnessed so much sadness in our time. Now in the latter years of life our spirits sag under this tragic war’s weight. We grieve the loss of so much and many victims of insane violence. Have mercy, Lord. Cause your righteousness and justice to prevail. Grant to us who are old and weak of body the strong wisdom of faith in you, our Creator and Savior. Let the example of our faith be the strong and beautiful gift we bring to this time of crisis. In Jesus’ name. Amen


Lord, the front lines of our beloved land are also to be found in the fields, factories and shops where our fellow citizens labor. Their weapons against tyranny are plows, machines and common goods for daily life. Bless them in their labors, protecting their crops and various products. And bring the increase from their efforts to benefit us and our neighbors. We praise you, Lord for your goodness! Amen


Father in heaven, you bless us so that we may be blessings. In these days, Lord, we are in dire need for brothers and sisters of other nations to share with us from the blessings you give to them. Give them generous hearts to supply our needs and provide us humble hearts to receive gratefully what they offer. For Jesus’ sake, your perfect gift beyond all measure. Amen.


You alone, O Lord, are almighty and endure forever. We humbly thank you that although we are limited beings, nevertheless you move us in trusting obedience to your call to put our hearts, hands and resources to work for those coming to us in great need. Toughen our resolve to keep at our work. Inspire, enlist, summon, and gather others to join us – as many as will be needed and for as long as the need exists for us to serve your refugee children. In the name of Jesus, our heavenly Friend, who willingly laid down his life for us in sacrifice until it was finished. Amen.


Healer of body and soul, you said that you came to call and to serve those who are sick. None of us is truly healthy; all of us need your saving graces. Yet, we are both privileged and humbled to be among those you call and equip to use medical arts in service to your sick and injured children. But there are so many of them that need our attention, Lord! We are tired to the bone and feel overwhelmed. Our supplies often are scarce, and our skills inadequate. Some of us also are sick and injured. Keep us going, Lord. Protect us when our doctoring and nursing put us in danger from war and from our own vulnerability to injury and sickness. Grant us both to receive and to give your healing grace. Grant that we may comfort those who are dying and be voices of faith and hope from you. Amen.


O Lord of perfect love, only you could regard sinners with holy compassion – even those who mocked and murdered you. Yes, we have compassion for the sick, injured, frightened and desperate people around us. But, all too quickly we bump up against our limits. We are not you! Abuse, violence, and tragic sadness wear us down and out. We try to defend ourselves against breaking up and breaking down. Sometimes we shield ourselves from compassion and are less loving and understanding than we want or intend to be. Forgive us Lord. And as you said to Peter after he betrayed you and crashed in guilt, “I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:32). Turn us back to you no matter what our failures may be. Comfort us with your forgiveness and empower us to strengthen our needy brothers and sisters with renewed compassion. Thank you Lord. Amen.