Georgie the goat


Georgi the goat looks pretty harmless in the picture above. His name, pronounced Gee-or-gay, is the same as a Bulgarian saint. But Georgi the goat is no saint. This picture is rare moment of peace and quiet but that’s because he’s just had a big meal of hay and carrot peelings.

The day before Georgi had gotten into the garden and decided he liked strawberry plants. He ate about fifteen of these plants, leaves, root, and strawberries. His owners weren’t very happy about that, especially because the mother had been planning on making strawberry jam. Her husband joked and said soon Georgi would have strawberries growing out of his ears. His older son, Plamen, at age thirteen, didn’t believe that, but his younger son, Miro, who was only eight, thought that might be true. The next morning Plaman caught Miro shining a flash into Georgi’s left ear, no doubt checking for strawberry leaves. When Plamen teased his little brother about it, but Miro denied it.

“I was looking for my toothbrush,” he answered.

“How would Georgi get a toothbrush into his ear?” Plamen asked.

“Who knows how Georgi does most of the things he does? How did he get over the fence to get into strawberry garden? How did he dig up those onions a few months ago? And how did into the house last week then up onto the table where he ate all those apples and pears? Remember how all the chairs were pushed against the wall?”

“Well Georgi might be able to jump but he still can’t put a toothbrush into his ear. You were looking for strawberries or at least strawberry leaves. You are so gullible, Miro. Wait till I tell Dmitri and Strahil!”

“I hope Georgi eats your soccer ball!” Miro told his brother, but Plamen had left the barn by the time Miro thought of that comment.

Georgi was only nine months old when the picture at the top was taken. There will be other stories about how Miro gets revenge on his brother. And more stories about Georgi keeps eating unusual things and making his owner think about selling him to the owners of the garbage disposal company in their little town in the northwest corner of the country of Bulgaria.

Categories: Stories