A Shepherd Encounter

Shepherds are a big part of the Christmas narrative, but not many of us living in the 21st century have any experience with shepherds, sheep or shepherding. If you traveled to the places where Helping Hands is working – western Bulgaria and northern Greece, you may be able to see Read more…

Beautiful Bansko

When I think of winter resorts, I think of the Bulgarian city of Bansko. It lies south of the capital city of Sofia. The area is being developed as a ski resort town because its surrounded by 3 mountain chains, the tall Rila mountain, hill-like Rhodope mountains, and the taller Read more…

Какво? Аз да се безпокоя?

Понякога животът не върви според нашия план. Понякога се случват неща, които съвсем не можете да контролирате, че изпадате в паника и ви се иска да избягате или пък да не правите нищо освен да се тревожите. Нека за момент приемем, че безпокойството е грях, буквално грях според първата Божа Read more…

Bulgarian Folk Music

This aspect of Bulgarian life and culture is very rich. There are more than 70,000 folks songs at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Folklore Institute (from Bulgarian Folk Art, Published by the Tourist Promotion and Publicity Centre). Most of these songs are vocal, but there are instrumental pieces as well. Read more…

Blooming Bulgaria

Situated in the southern part of Europe, many places in Bulgaria receive a lot of sunshine. Other aspects of its geography make it an ideal location for lots of flowers. Bulgaria is a land link to central Europe, the Euro-Asian steppe and Mediterranean areas. In the northwestern part of the Read more…