Georgi the Goat

  Georgi the goat looks pretty harmless in the picture above. His name, pronounced Gee-or-gay, is the same as a Bulgarian saint. But Georgi the goat is no saint. This picture is rare moment of peace and quiet but that’s because he’s just had a big meal of hay and Read more…

2016 Accounting

Salaries for Babas working with orphans: $3,425 and those working with disabled children $1,645. Total $5,070 Salary for nurse who works at Kula nursing home M-F: $2,283 Salary for nurse who does home visits in area south of Sofia: $1,596 Accountant (Bulgarian government requirement): $891 Administrator in Bulgaria, does traveling, Read more…

Prayer Hands folded in prayer

You Too Can Pray

Nine-year-old Stephanie prayed, “Dear Lord, please help my mother lose weight. She’s on a diet, and she is trying very hard; but sometimes she eats chocolate cake and ice cream. That is why she needs your help. My mother would ask for your help herself, but she is too embarrassed.” Read more…

Ти също може да се молиш

Девет-годишната Стефани се молеше: “Господи, моля те помогни на майка ми да отслабне. Тя е на диета и тя се опитва много, но понякога тя яде шоколадова торта и сладолед. Ето защо тя се нуждае от твоята помощ. Майка ми би те попитала сама, но и е твърде неудобно. ” Read more…

Why go to Church?

Why? There are many reasons why peo¬ple go to church. You already know some of them. Check the reasons you hear most often. □               To act as though you’re better than everyone else □               Brainwashed as a child □               Guilt □               To show off fancy clothes □               Nothing else to Read more…