Expenses for the year:
Salaries for Babas working with orphans and with disabled children: Total $2,704
(they were laid off half the year)
Salary for nurse who works at Kula nursing home M-F: $2,590
Salary for nurse who does home visits and runs Senior’s Club in area south of Sofia: $1,682
Accountant (Bulgarian government requirement): $945
Administrator in Bulgaria, manages finances, coordinates all workers, manages translations, manages all Bulgarian staff, does payroll, travels extensively $970
Food donations for nursing home, disabled kid’s families, and those enrolled in home visits program: $2,650
Medications donated: $1,024
Travel including mileage, meals and hotel, mostly to northern Bulgaria: $769
Office expenses (phone calls, postage, copies, books, etc.): $511 We are making more copies of health brochures and newsletter with Gospel connection and website address
Bank fees to send money to Bulgaria and in Bulgaria, donation tax, income tax for staff, other fees and taxes assessed, insurance: $1,506
Re-registration of Bulgarian Helping Hands Foundation with Bulgarian government: $273
Web site maintenance, security, hosting site fee and assistance: $510
Translations: $1,266 (Many new devotions and health newsletters translated + Greek devotions)
Dubbing of Christian (Lutheran Hour) animations for children: $538
U.S. expenses: Articles in Bulgarian newspaper (almost $2000 – we must pay because we have religious material as part of every article), copies of brochures on Helping Hands for churches and other interested potential donors, liability insurance $665): $2,649
Total Expenses for 2018: $20,587
Total Donations – 2018: $21,935