Salaries for Babas working with orphans: $3,425 and those working with disabled children $1,645. Total $5,070
Salary for nurse who works at Kula nursing home M-F: $2,283
Salary for nurse who does home visits in area south of Sofia: $1,596
Accountant (Bulgarian government requirement): $891
Administrator in Bulgaria, does traveling, payroll, etc. $914
Food donations for nursing home, disabled kid’s families, and those enrolled in home visits program: $2,853
Travel including mileage, meals and hotel, mostly to northern Bulgaria: $251
Office expenses (phone calls, postage, copies, books, etc.): $530
Bank fees to send money to Bulgaria and in Bulgaria, donation tax and income tax for staff: $2,019
Web site maintenance and assistance: $290
Translations: $1,228
Total $17,925
Donations for the year: $21,352