We all have bombs dropped on our lives—nasty setbacks that shake us up. Some families have had atomic bombs fall—major house fire, catastrophic illness in the breadwinner, or worst of all, a child-sized casket.

Satan will always exploit openings like that: “How can you still believe that your so-called heavenly Father loves you? If he could have stopped it, why didn’t he?” The psalm writer Asaph wondered uneasily, “Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful?” (Psalm 77:8,9).

God understands our anger. It is born of ignorance of the majesty of his power, the tenderness of his love, and the infinite depth of his wisdom. True enough—we may not be able to figure out exactly what he’s up to at any given moment. But we do have his splendid track record to go on. That’s why Asaph went to the Word when he needed reassurance that God’s plan would still work out: “I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. With your mighty arm you redeemed your people” (Psalm 77:12,15).