Venka of Vidin

In the far northwestern part of Bulgaria is a city called Vidin. It lies on the southern bank of the Danube River. Very close to the heart of the city, an eleven-year-old girl named Venka lives in an apartment with her mother, grandmother, father, and two cats. Because the apartment Read more…

Какво? Аз да се безпокоя?

Понякога животът не върви според нашия план. Понякога се случват неща, които съвсем не можете да контролирате, че изпадате в паника и ви се иска да избягате или пък да не правите нищо освен да се тревожите. Нека за момент приемем, че безпокойството е грях, буквално грях според първата Божа Read more…

2017 Accounting

Expenses for the year: Salaries for Babas working with orphans and with disabled children:  Total $7,248      ($650/month for all those working with children including income tax;        $125/month for each Baba – income tax included) Salary for nurse who works at Kula nursing home M-F: $1,743 ($250/M) Salary for Read more…

Bulgarian Folk Music

This aspect of Bulgarian life and culture is very rich. There are more than 70,000 folks songs at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Folklore Institute (from Bulgarian Folk Art, Published by the Tourist Promotion and Publicity Centre). Most of these songs are vocal, but there are instrumental pieces as well. Read more…

Blooming Bulgaria

Situated in the southern part of Europe, many places in Bulgaria receive a lot of sunshine. Other aspects of its geography make it an ideal location for lots of flowers. Bulgaria is a land link to central Europe, the Euro-Asian steppe and Mediterranean areas. In the northwestern part of the Read more…