2018 Accounting

Expenses for the year: Salaries for Babas working with orphans and with disabled children:  Total $2,704      (they were laid off half the year) Salary for nurse who works at Kula nursing home M-F: $2,590 Salary for nurse who does home visits and runs Senior’s Club in area south of Read more…

A Shepherd Encounter

Shepherds are a big part of the Christmas narrative, but not many of us living in the 21st century have any experience with shepherds, sheep or shepherding. If you traveled to the places where Helping Hands is working – western Bulgaria and northern Greece, you may be able to see Read more…

Roman the Rooster

Roman is a very handsome rooster who lives in a village in the northern part of Bulgaria. He wakes up early to crow loudly and wake up the other chickens in his flock. It also wakes up the family that lives in the house next to the chicken coop. “Roman Read more…

Защо е библията толкова труна за четене?

Защо е библията толкова труна за четене?  Аз се опитах да я прочета, но не успях да стигна по-далеч от книгата на Левит и Числа. Има толкова много информация, която не разбирам. Как може да разбереш, това което четеш? Това е въпрос, задаван доста пъти от различни хора под различна Read more…

Какво? Аз да се безпокоя?

Понякога животът не върви според нашия план. Понякога се случват неща, които съвсем не можете да контролирате, че изпадате в паника и ви се иска да избягате или пък да не правите нищо освен да се тревожите. Нека за момент приемем, че безпокойството е грях, буквално грях според първата Божа Read more…

Milena from Melnik

Tucked away in the Pirin mountains of southwest Bulgaria is the beautiful town of Melnik. The style of houses and businesses there is shown below. Milena, a nine-year-old girl, lives in there. Her father, Pavel, is an accountant and works at the hotel you see in this picture. Her mother Read more…