Expenses for the year:

Salaries for Babas working with orphans and those working with disabled children: $7,669

Salary for nurse who works at Kula nursing home M-F: $2,406.50

Salary for nurse who does home visits in area south of Sofia: $1,681.87

Accountant (Bulgarian government requirement): $ 625

Administrator in Bulgaria, does traveling, payroll, etc. $ 997.50

Food donations for those enrolled in home visits program: $1,494.15

Flu shots, medications, and food for nursing home: $ 429.11

*Travel including mileage, meals and hotel, mostly to northern Bulgaria: $1,924.36

Office expenses (phone calls, postage, copies, books, etc.): $1,118.12

Bank fees to send money to Bulgaria and in Bulgaria: $ 516.24

Donation tax and income tax for employees $1,057.42

Web site maintenance: $ 77

Translations: $ 55


Total $17,563.27

Donations for the year: $16,799

Notes: No one in the U.S. is paid for any of their work – that is, our pastoral director creates many materials for the website, nursing home and home visit programs, Sunday School materials for children, etc. plus advising, speaking. The director, volunteers approximately 10 hours a week on correspondence with various organizations, writing reports, writing articles for the web and various journals, health-related materials, giving talks, fund raising, creating promotional materials, acquiring copyright on materials for translations, acquiring materials for translation and dubbing, gathering shipment materials as needed. Our accountant, is paid nothing for doing the accounting, transferring funds, corresponding with donors, etc.

Our primary translator started translating for free. Our Bulgarian administrator is a professional accountant and is grossly underpaid for all her administrative duties; when there is a shortage of money, she doesn’t collect all her pay.

*The travel expenses were exceptionally high that year as the Director was in Bulgaria almost one month and travelled at least once to each site where we are working. Director paid her airfare to and from Bulgaria, etc. and was not able to donate as much to Helping Hands at that time because of the expenses of the trip. Our major donors also travelled to Bulgaria at that time and paid their airfare as well. When they returned, they reimbursed Helping Hands for their hotel bill.